
5 Ways to Fight Fleas

Summer is here… and flea season is in full swing. These disgusting little parasites aren’t just itchy nuisances, however. They can carry dangerous diseases, and can even transmit other parasites. Here, a Forest Hill, MD vet offers tips on making fleas flee.

Parasite Control

Your biggest—and best—weapons in the war against fleas are parasite control products. You can choose from several options, such as topical drops, shampoos, sprays, and oral medications. No matter which one you pick, be sure to follow the instructions carefully. Never double up on flea prevention, even if you’re fighting an infestation. This could expose your beloved pet to unsafe levels of pesticides! Ask your vet for specific recommendations.


There are some ways to make your property less appealing to fleas. If you have a yard, keep it neatly trimmed. Long grasses are a tempting hideout for fleas and ticks! Remove debris, such as dead branches. Keeping shrubs trimmed so they don’t touch your house will also help. Finally, if you have a garden or fruit trees, pick up any fallen produce. It can attract wild animals that carry fleas.

Inside The House

Fleas can take up residence inside your home as well. Vacuuming regularly is one of the best things you can do to keep fleas away. Do your pet’s favorite lounging spots and high-traffic areas daily, and vacuum the rest of the home every week. Once you are done, empty the canister into a plastic bag, then seal it and dispose of it outdoors. This will help break the life cycle, by preventing any eggs you’ve vacuumed up from hatching in the house. We also recommend keeping piles of laundry off the floor, as fleas like to take up residence in piles of clothes.


Your pet’s bedding is another hotspot. Wash it regularly, using hot water and unscented detergent. Beds that are too big to fit into the washing machine can be vacuumed. You can try running an iron over them as well.

Diatomaceous Earth

Get some food-grade diatomaceous earth, and sprinkle it on and around doorjambs, windowsills, and baseboards. It kills fleas, but is safe for pets and humans. (Note: you do need to be careful not to inhale it.)

Please reach out to us, your Forest Hill, MD pet clinic, for all your furry pal’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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