Here at the Animal Medical Center of Bel Aire, one of the services we are proud to offer is hydrotherapy. As you can probably tell by the name, hydrotherapy means water therapy. A local Forest Hill, MD vet offers some information on this below.
The word hydrotherapy can be used to refer to a whole slew of treatment options. For people, this may include swimming, saunas, or mineral baths. For pets, hydrotherapy usually entails swimming and/or walking on underwater treadmills. Although hydrotherapy is a relatively new practice in the world of animal care, it’s been around for a long time. In fact, basic understanding and use of hydrotherapy goes all the way back to the Roman Empire! As far as animal care goes, it originally gained traction as a treatment for racehorses. It is now commonly used to help many animals, and is particularly beneficial for dogs. (Cats, of course, remain unimpressed.)
Hydrotherapy is becoming quite popular in the veterinary world, and with good reason. One great benefit for Fido is that it’s safe for dogs of all ages. Because the water will support the pet’s weight, it provides a great cardio workout without straining the bones and joints. It helps build (or rebuild) muscle mass, improves strength and stamina, and is also good for the heart. Warm water also helps promote good circulation, and can soothe and relax sore muscles.
Hydrotherapy can be used to treat a wide variety of issues in our canine companions. Some of the conditions we may recommend hydrotherapy for include ACL injuries, neurological problems, and metabolic problems, particularly those that can cause muscle atrophy. It’s also sometimes used to help Fido recover from surgery or injuries. Plus, it’s a great way to give obese or geriatric dogs a good workout. Last but not least, hydrotherapy can also improve the stamina and performance of working dogs, and can help prevent injuries.
Hydrotherapy is generally done at a veterinary clinic, where pets can be closely monitored. Fido may also benefit from swimming in a pool or swimming hole. However, keep in mind that every dog is different. Your canine buddy’s care and, if needed, therapy regimens should be customized based on his unique needs. Ask your vet for more information.
Are you interested in learning more about hydrotherapy? Contact us, your Forest Hill, MD animal clinic, today!