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Holiday Bird Care Tips

December 15, 2021

Season’s Greetings! At this time of year, you’ll see lots of articles about keeping dogs and cats safe and happy. However, the holidays can be dangerous and stressful for other pets, too. They can be especially treacherous for birds, not only because they’re so small and fragile, but because of the potential for stress. A local Forest Hill, MD vet offers some holiday bird care tips below.


Those pretty trees are very dangerous to birds. Polly is often attracted to shiny objects, such as ornaments and tinsel. Not only could she get entangled in things like ribbons, garlands, and light strands, she could also cut herself on sharp ornaments or ornament hooks. Pine needles—both real and artificial—can also cut your pet. Try to keep your winged pal out of the room the tree is in.


We know, those vanilla or pine-scented candles make for a perfect holiday atmosphere, but it’s best to skip them. Not only are the fumes harmful to Polly’s lungs, the open flames are a huge hazard to your feathered buddy. Use the battery-powered fake ones instead of real ones.


Candles aren’t the only potential danger when it comes to vapors. Fireplace smoke, perfumes, aerosols, paint, and even cooking fumes are also dangerous to Polly. Take care not to expose your bird to any strong scents. It may be worth investing in a good air purifier. (This will also benefit you and the rest of your family.)


Polly definitely deserves a special treat! Just don’t let your colorful little friend have anything that isn’t safe. That list includes chocolate, garlic, onions, avocado, and/or anything that contains xylitol. Ask your vet for specific advice on giving your bird treats.

Fake It

Certain plants, including holly, amaryllis, ivy, mistletoe, lilies, pine, and poinsettia, are very popular as seasonal decorations. However, many of them are toxic to pets. Err on the side of caution, and opt for fake plants instead.


Stress can really take a toll on our feathered friends. Parties, guests, decorations, and general commotion can frighten Polly, and make her feel anxious. Keep an eye out for warning signs, such as feather pulling or reduced appetite. Cover your pet’s cage if you’re having a lot of visitors.

Happy Holidays! Please feel free to contact us, your local Forest Hill, MD animal clinic, for your bird’s veterinary care needs.

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